Friday, May 4, 2012

Statement of Autonomy

Statement of Autonomy

Passed by the General Assembly at Occupy Wall Street. November 10, 2011
and passed revision by the General Assembly at Occupy Wall Street, March 3, 2012
Occupy Wall Street is a people’s movement. It is party-less, leaderless, by the people and for the people. It is not a business, a political party, an advertising campaign or a brand.  It is not for sale.
We welcome all, who, in good faith, petition for a redress of grievances through non-violence.  We provide a forum for peaceful assembly of individuals to engage in participatory democracy.  We welcome dissent.

Any statement or declaration not released through the General Assembly and made public online at should be considered independent of Occupy Wall Street.

We wish to clarify that Occupy Wall Street is not and never has been affiliated with any established political party, candidate or organization.  Our only affiliation is with the people.
The people who are working together to create this movement are its sole and mutual caretakers.  If you have chosen to devote resources to building this movement, especially your time and labor, then it is yours.

Any organization is welcome to support us with the knowledge that doing so will mean questioning your own institutional frameworks of work and hierarchy and integrating our principles into your modes of action.


Occupy Wall Street values collective resources, dignity, integrity and autonomy above money.  We have not made endorsements.  All donations are accepted anonymously and are transparently allocated via consensus by the General Assembly or the Operational Spokes Council.

We acknowledge the existence of professional activists who work to make our world a better place.  If you are representing, or being compensated by an independent source while participating in our process, please disclose your affiliation at the outset.  Those seeking to capitalize on this movement or undermine it by appropriating its message or symbols are not a part of Occupy Wall Street.

We stand in solidarity.  We are Occupy Wall Street.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

There are some pricks in the world who feel that they have the right to abuse women in the most offensive manners you can imagine.  They feel that they have the right to torture and imprison women just because they have a cock between their legs.  Things like locking them in a garage, telling them they have to have their baby for the country, telling them to stand up against the wall and bend over, then
extinguishing their cigarettes on a their body.

This is just the legs, of course, but it should give you an idea of the pain that sick bastards inflict upon women they trap.  Many women don't realize they are in a dangerous situation until it is too late.  Some never make it out alive.  This is a problem that is world wide, including the good ol' USA.  Amnesty International states the following.

Around the world at least one woman in every three has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. Gender-based violence kills and disables as many women between the ages of 15 and 44 as cancer, and its toll on women's health surpasses that of traffic accidents and malaria combined.1 Violence against women is rooted in a global culture of discrimination which denies women equal rights with men and which legitimizes the appropriation of women's bodies for individual gratification or political ends."

Here are some statistics.

"Slavery exists in the world today for 27 million held in some form of captivity. 80% of them are women; 50% are underage children and 70% of the females are trafficked for sexual exploitation purposes.
Awareness needs to be raised on these issues.  This kind of activity should not be tolerated in society.   There are times when some good ol' fashioned Texas justice is called for.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Some People are Beyond Help

As much as I hate to admit it, some people are beyond help. Take my ex-fiancee' who recently appeared and said she wanted to move down here with me. She gave me this long story about being on Dilaudid when she slept with the doctor and got pregnant and said that since the baby was stillborn, she wanted to come to me. Of course, her words were slurred because she couldn't stay sober long enough to have a decent conversation, so I told her she needed to get help.

She went into the hospital to dry out... so far so good... then starts drinking again as soon as she gets out. WRONG On top of that, she got in a fight with her roommates and got kicked out of where she was staying.

She was texting me as she was walking through the park trying to find a bench to stay on when it started to rain. In her desperation, she went home with the first person who offered to take her home. She had me look up his name on the Internet because he was a huge black guy and she was a little scared. As it turned out, the man had two felony charges of rape and kidnapping.

He already had her smoking crack and she made mention of some "working girls" out in the alley. I told her that if she didn't want to be his new "working girl," she'd better stop smoking the crack and get the hell out of there. That seemed to wake her up momentarily. She took my advice and went to her dad's so she could sober up enough to get into rehab. Rehab didn't want to take her, but she had her dad and I plead with the rehab clinic to let her in.

Well, today, she signed herself out, telling the rehab clinic that her dad was coming to get her. I called her dad and asked if he had visited her today. He said that he hadn't been up there yet. I told them that they said that she told them that she was leaving with her dad. He said, "It wasn't me." I just told him I was sorry that happened and hung up. Some people are just beyond help. I'm through with her. Next time she can get someone else to help her.

Friday, June 3, 2011

FlashFiction - Suzy


FlashFiction - Suzy

I was flying my nightly patrol over the United States when I first met Suzy. It was new moon on that starlit night and I was enjoying the feel of the ocean breeze flapping my cape against my legs as I listened for signs of trouble. Suddenly, I heard a scream coming from the light house.

I quickly swooped down when my telescopic vision saw her hanging from the light house railing. I grabbed her in my arms and she clung tightly to my neck. I flew up and over the rail and set her down to safety. She introduced herself.

"Hi, Superman. I'm Suzy. Thanks for saving me. I guess I was a little dizzy."

"No problem, ma'am," I said.

As I was about to fly back off and resume my patrol, she offered me a cigarette. Being mesmerized by the feel of her buxom breasts as I had held her, I thought, "What's the harm? After all, I'm Superman. A little smoke isn't going to harm me."

I gently took the cigarette from her outstretched hand and lit it with my heat vision. The cigarette smelled a little funny, but she told me that it was imported tobacco, so I ignored it. She told me to hold the smoke after I inhaled it then pass it to her. Strange request, it seemed.

I did as Suzy said and found something strange. Even my super lungs couldn't contain smoke. I let it out with a cough that blew her hair back and she giggled. She inhaled the strange smelling cigarette and held it and passed it back to me. Suddenly, she coughed, too.

"Go on. Take another drag, she said, so I did."

A few minutes later, we were both laughing. I was feeling really strange, so I got her phone number and told her I needed to resume my patrol.

"Up, up, and away," I said as I took off into the sky waving at Suzy and she waving at me.

I was really starting to feel funny now. I flew past a large church and ran into the bell tower causing a huge CRASH CLANG CLANG CLANG. I did the best I could to patch it up quickly before anyone got there then decided I should head back home.

Up, up, and away, into the air again, this time deciding to fly very slow so no one would notice. As I arrived back at the Kent farm, I crashed into the corn silo, knocking it to the ground. Hurriedly, I cut down some trees with my heat vision, almost causing a forest fire which I then had to blow out with my super breath. I carved the trees into supports for the silo and righted it again.

It was then that I realized I no longer lived on the Kent Farm, but Metropolis. I started laughing and laughing and laughed so loud that I woke up the neighbors 10 miles away. Boy was my face red.

What the heck kind of imported tobacco was that, anyway?

Copyright © 2011 Cal Jennings

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One Day In the Hospital

Fred Phelps, after becoming seriously ill, entered the hospital for some tests. After a few days, the doctor came into his room and addressed him.

"I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?"

"Give me the good news first, doctor."

"Well, the good news is you're dying."

"WHAT? THAT'S the GOOD NEWS? For God's SAKE! What's the BAD news?"

"You're dying of AIDS."

Did Haley Reinhart Give the Judges a "F*ck You?"