Lois had gotten into trouble over her head again. She was desperately looking for help. She had no idea where to turn. Evil and darkness was all around her. A lunatic had been stalking her and was plotting to kill her. She needed someone that wasn't involved with the people around her. She decided to go to a friend of a friend that she didn't know too well for help. She was desperate, and was willing to give anything for someone to help her. She didn't know if the friend would be willing to help her, considering the things she was involved in, but she decided to give it a try.
When she contacted the friend's friend, Clark, he was more than willing to help. He had often helped others in similar and even more desperate situations. They were from two different worlds, or at least on two different sides of the world. There didn't seem to be any reason why he shouldn't help her. Although he didn't know much about her, he had seen that she was a good friend of their mutual friend. If you couldn't help out a friend of a friend when you're constantly helping strangers, he thought, you aren't much of a friend, are you?
Clark didn't realize what he was getting into at the time because he was deeply concerned with other matters. Then, suddenly, he looked into her eyes. After that, it didn't matter what he was getting into. Something took hold of his heart. There was something strange and exciting about this gorgeous creature. He had never felt anything like this in his entire life.
He followed her into a world darker than he had ever personally experienced. As they walked down the dark, dingy alley, they passed an untended dumpster, overflowing with garbage. A man suddenly came up from behind after they had passed it. The man violently grabbed Lois around the neck and slung her to the ground, ripping her dress. He started to jump on top of Lois.
Feeling, not thinking, Clark suddenly stepped to the side, grabbed the man's arm, and slung him violently to the ground, pinning his arm behind his back. It was Lois' stalker, Lex. Clark threatened to break the man's arm if he didn't leave Lois alone. The man screamed for mercy, and Clark let him up. The man quickly ran off in the direction he came.
Lois was thankful, and showed Clark her thanks in a personal manner right there in the alley. What made the two of them connect was beyond the reason of both of them. Lois and Clark continued to date for awhile and fell deeply in love, but Clark knew in the back of his mind that relationships resulting from a rescue wear off quickly, and didn't expect it to last too long. What happened next, though, surprised even him.
When the relationship did break off, as it had with others in the past, he could just turn his heart off like a light switch. This had happened to him several times before, and it had been no chore for him to immediately turn off the switch and walk on. Somehow, though, the light switch to his heart seemed to be stuck in the on position and he couldn't get this one out of his heart. He figured he'd never see her again anyway, but he had this pining... this longing... something as if he had met another part of himself. Ah, he'd get over it soon enough. He probably wouldn't ever see her again anyway. Clark was wrong.
As Clark was walking down the street, he glanced longingly down that dark alley that he hoped never to return to, not expecting to see anything but the dingy old dumpster, brimming with garbage and the old newspapers blowing down the street. There was Lois again. She was on the ground being brutally raped by the same man.
Clark went into action. He grabbed his cell phone and called one of his nearby friends, who worked at the office in front of the alley to open the door. It was just the distraction he needed to reach Lois and Lex in time.
Clark ran behind the man who was screaming at the store owner to mind his own business. He reached around Lex's neck and grabbed him by the lyranix. He violently threw Lex down and started pounding his head against the pavement. He started to rip out his throat, but Lois cried for Clark to show him some mercy. He let go of Lex's larynix and grabbed the man by the testicals, squeezing them mercilessly. He told Lex that if he ever saw him again, he'd be a dead man.
Lois thanked Clark, but said that they were too different. She was horrified at what Clark had done to Lex. She said that they could never have enough in common to make a relationship last.
Clark agreed with her, though he really didn't feel that way in his heart. He knew that they hadn't really gotten to know each other when they were first together, and knew how flexible he was, but he also knew that once a woman has her mind made up, there is little use in trying to change it. Clark was crushed, and tried not to show it, but he tried not to let her see it. Still, a tear ran down his cheek. He said, "Goodbye, Lois. Try not to walk down any dark alleys anymore," and sadly walked away.
Little did he know, this was not the LAST scrape he would have to get Lois out of...
Copyright © 2008 Cal Jennings