A Peaceful Solution Willie Cal Heidi
Calvin Jennings has created his third video for the Willie Nelson Peace Video Contest using A Peaceful Solution by Willie Nelson and Amy Nelson. Now you see for yourself that Willie Nelson will feature every video or song you do even if you submit multiple entries.
If you haven’t seen Calvin’s first and second videos, please take some time to watch the videos and read his heartfelt statements. This man brings tremendous enthusiasm and energy to his work. His sincerity and commitment to peacemaking reverberates in his videos and his written words.
This time Calvin combined three different A Peaceful Solution soundtracks by Willie Nelson with Gypsy Pacific, Heidi Little, and Calvin Jennings. This technique works very well to separate the video into distinct segments while creating a specific mood for each segment.
Matt Colvi shot the video footage and Calvin Jennings did the editing. The short clips of Willie Nelson on stage intercut with protest footage create a motif that fuses the images with the soundtrack.
Calvin supports Dennis Kucinich for President in this video but does not employ heavy-handed techniques to try to convince us. He only gives us a single sound byte of Dennis and leaves it up to us to decide if we agree. Calvin knows each person needs to make their own decision.
* * * * * Artist’s Statement * * * * *
I guess under this video, you could say that my Cherokee name is Space Eagle, and when I heard Heidi Little’s version, I thought the imagery and iconic nature of the eagle would fit right with it. I could see the eagle flying to her song in my mind when it played.
To me the eagle flying represents the Spirit of God.
coming down to save those of us who believe in Him and in America. The Cherokee medicine woman who gave me the name said that the eagle was considered the messenger of God, or the Great Spirit, because they fly the highest.
It is time for our nation and all nations to come together in peace to fight those who wage war and bring death and misery to all. It’s time to stop them from sending young men and women to get maimed and killed in battle while killing innocent men, women and children for greed and oil.
They spent billions on attacking a country that didn’t even attack us, which logically will only promote more terrorism in attempts to fight us, their oppressors. That money would have been much better spent sending an army of people in with food and medicine to give out to people, promoting peace and brotherly love.
THAT’S how you fight Terrorism.
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