Friday, September 11, 2009

In the Autumn of My Life

This week's phrase/word:

The Rules:

Post a poem, story or photo that has been created by you using the phrase above as the theme (or inspiration).

Leave your link in the comment section below.

Please make sure your post is open to everyone so that we may all enjoy your creation.

Have fun and please visit the other entries as soon as you can!

In The Autumn Of My Life

In the Autumn of my life
She came to me
Like a bolt of lightning
Saturating my being
Touching my heart, body, and soul from afar
My Autumn turned to Spring
Music filled my spirit
A proposal was made and accepted
In the midst of grueling circumstances
My life was better than I ever thought possible
Then she betrayed me
Burning me like the scorching Summer sun
Sweat of tears filled my eyes and heart
She returned, abused and broken
My love had not diminished
I accepted her with open arms
Tried to help her recover
Her troubled mind couldn't understand the truth
Almost trusting, she suddenly turned away
Lying and leaving again
The chill of the wind turned my life to Autumn
Then came the news of the illness
One from which few recover
She informed me, made empty promises, and departed
The freezing wind chilled me to the bone
My life became Winter
In the Autumn of my life

Click here for more Creative Challenges

Copyright © 2009 Cal Jennings

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