Thursday, September 15, 2011

There are some pricks in the world who feel that they have the right to abuse women in the most offensive manners you can imagine.  They feel that they have the right to torture and imprison women just because they have a cock between their legs.  Things like locking them in a garage, telling them they have to have their baby for the country, telling them to stand up against the wall and bend over, then
extinguishing their cigarettes on a their body.

This is just the legs, of course, but it should give you an idea of the pain that sick bastards inflict upon women they trap.  Many women don't realize they are in a dangerous situation until it is too late.  Some never make it out alive.  This is a problem that is world wide, including the good ol' USA.  Amnesty International states the following.

Around the world at least one woman in every three has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. Gender-based violence kills and disables as many women between the ages of 15 and 44 as cancer, and its toll on women's health surpasses that of traffic accidents and malaria combined.1 Violence against women is rooted in a global culture of discrimination which denies women equal rights with men and which legitimizes the appropriation of women's bodies for individual gratification or political ends."

Here are some statistics.

"Slavery exists in the world today for 27 million held in some form of captivity. 80% of them are women; 50% are underage children and 70% of the females are trafficked for sexual exploitation purposes.
Awareness needs to be raised on these issues.  This kind of activity should not be tolerated in society.   There are times when some good ol' fashioned Texas justice is called for.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Some People are Beyond Help

As much as I hate to admit it, some people are beyond help. Take my ex-fiancee' who recently appeared and said she wanted to move down here with me. She gave me this long story about being on Dilaudid when she slept with the doctor and got pregnant and said that since the baby was stillborn, she wanted to come to me. Of course, her words were slurred because she couldn't stay sober long enough to have a decent conversation, so I told her she needed to get help.

She went into the hospital to dry out... so far so good... then starts drinking again as soon as she gets out. WRONG On top of that, she got in a fight with her roommates and got kicked out of where she was staying.

She was texting me as she was walking through the park trying to find a bench to stay on when it started to rain. In her desperation, she went home with the first person who offered to take her home. She had me look up his name on the Internet because he was a huge black guy and she was a little scared. As it turned out, the man had two felony charges of rape and kidnapping.

He already had her smoking crack and she made mention of some "working girls" out in the alley. I told her that if she didn't want to be his new "working girl," she'd better stop smoking the crack and get the hell out of there. That seemed to wake her up momentarily. She took my advice and went to her dad's so she could sober up enough to get into rehab. Rehab didn't want to take her, but she had her dad and I plead with the rehab clinic to let her in.

Well, today, she signed herself out, telling the rehab clinic that her dad was coming to get her. I called her dad and asked if he had visited her today. He said that he hadn't been up there yet. I told them that they said that she told them that she was leaving with her dad. He said, "It wasn't me." I just told him I was sorry that happened and hung up. Some people are just beyond help. I'm through with her. Next time she can get someone else to help her.

Friday, June 3, 2011

FlashFiction - Suzy


FlashFiction - Suzy

I was flying my nightly patrol over the United States when I first met Suzy. It was new moon on that starlit night and I was enjoying the feel of the ocean breeze flapping my cape against my legs as I listened for signs of trouble. Suddenly, I heard a scream coming from the light house.

I quickly swooped down when my telescopic vision saw her hanging from the light house railing. I grabbed her in my arms and she clung tightly to my neck. I flew up and over the rail and set her down to safety. She introduced herself.

"Hi, Superman. I'm Suzy. Thanks for saving me. I guess I was a little dizzy."

"No problem, ma'am," I said.

As I was about to fly back off and resume my patrol, she offered me a cigarette. Being mesmerized by the feel of her buxom breasts as I had held her, I thought, "What's the harm? After all, I'm Superman. A little smoke isn't going to harm me."

I gently took the cigarette from her outstretched hand and lit it with my heat vision. The cigarette smelled a little funny, but she told me that it was imported tobacco, so I ignored it. She told me to hold the smoke after I inhaled it then pass it to her. Strange request, it seemed.

I did as Suzy said and found something strange. Even my super lungs couldn't contain smoke. I let it out with a cough that blew her hair back and she giggled. She inhaled the strange smelling cigarette and held it and passed it back to me. Suddenly, she coughed, too.

"Go on. Take another drag, she said, so I did."

A few minutes later, we were both laughing. I was feeling really strange, so I got her phone number and told her I needed to resume my patrol.

"Up, up, and away," I said as I took off into the sky waving at Suzy and she waving at me.

I was really starting to feel funny now. I flew past a large church and ran into the bell tower causing a huge CRASH CLANG CLANG CLANG. I did the best I could to patch it up quickly before anyone got there then decided I should head back home.

Up, up, and away, into the air again, this time deciding to fly very slow so no one would notice. As I arrived back at the Kent farm, I crashed into the corn silo, knocking it to the ground. Hurriedly, I cut down some trees with my heat vision, almost causing a forest fire which I then had to blow out with my super breath. I carved the trees into supports for the silo and righted it again.

It was then that I realized I no longer lived on the Kent Farm, but Metropolis. I started laughing and laughing and laughed so loud that I woke up the neighbors 10 miles away. Boy was my face red.

What the heck kind of imported tobacco was that, anyway?

Copyright © 2011 Cal Jennings

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One Day In the Hospital

Fred Phelps, after becoming seriously ill, entered the hospital for some tests. After a few days, the doctor came into his room and addressed him.

"I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?"

"Give me the good news first, doctor."

"Well, the good news is you're dying."

"WHAT? THAT'S the GOOD NEWS? For God's SAKE! What's the BAD news?"

"You're dying of AIDS."

Did Haley Reinhart Give the Judges a "F*ck You?"

What's Really Important

BANG! BAM! WOW! SLASH! There's so much hype being pushed that things have to be glamorous, exciting, or tragic to be worthy of speaking of that we often forget the simple truths that make life so wonderful. We forget to notice the beauty of the trees, the sound of birds chirping, the color and smell of the flowers.

In this high pitched, fast paced world we live in, often the little things are much more satisfying than all the shiny, new products that are constantly pushed in the ads and we forget to be thankful for the things we have around us which cost us nothing. There's the miracle of the birth of a child, the warmth of a new puppy or kitten, squirrels playing in the trees, an occasional butterfly, billowing clouds on a clear day, the knowledge that the rain will bring renewed growth. There's the sound of children laughing, the warm touch of a loved one, the greatfulness for having survived life thus far, and many other wonderful things to appreciate if we just slow down long enough to notice. A little quiet time can be a priceless commodity.

What Was Going On Yesterday

Yesterday, I wasn't around much. There were some interesting events taking place here that kept me away from the computer.

First, I got a call from the detective at the sheriff's office asking me to come look at the video from the HEB where my stolen debit card was used to purchase some drugs. As I suspected, it was Sharon's son. Unfortunately, there wasn't a clear shot of his face, so the video may not be of much use in court. To find out whose name was on the prescription he picked up, it will take a subpoena.

Sharon had borrowed my car yesterday, so she wasn't here to get the good news. She left at 11:30am and was supposed to be back in an hour or so. About 3pm, I tried calling her cell phone, but she didn't answer. I called every couple hours after that and sent her text messages, but to no avail. I called the hospitals and police to see if she had been in an accident, but they couldn't seem to find any record of her. I was starting to think she took off somewhere with my van never to return. Finally, about 11:30pm, she arrived with a flat tire on the front and said that she'd had another flat tire on the rear but had repaired it with Fix-A-Flat. By that time, I was quite angry since I had needed my car to go get another set of guitar strings and a few other things. (Now I wish I had gone ahead and ordered the strings online.)

I was checking on the net today and it seems that the auto salvage yards in the area don't have sites to list the available parts. The salvage yards seem to be just inside Houston, so I'm going to have to get someone to drive me out to get a couple wheels so I will have a good wheel on the front and a wheel for a spare. As far as you have to drive to get anywhere around here, one of those compact spares won't do any good. You have to be careful with which tire you get. The last one I bought, even though it was a 15", was shaped in a manner that it locked against the brake rotor when you tightened the lugs. I guess I'll have to find a tire specifically for a 92 Dodge Grand Caravan.

Today, I am paying for the anger and anxiety. My muscles and back are aching from the tension I experienced. I can barely stand or walk and it's pretty painful even to sit. At least I can say it hasn't been boring, I guess.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pimped Lady Justice

The Rules:

  • Post anything (i.e. a story, poem, photo or artwork) you have created using the inspiration word below. Do not use other people's words. If you wish to use an image that is not your own, please let us know.

  • Bring the link back here and post it in the comment section.

  • Your link must be a Multiply link. (At the discretion of the admin. all other links may be deleted.)

  • Leave your blog open to "everyone" so we can view it.

This week's the word (I hope) will challenge you to new levels:lavish
I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Pimped Lady Justice

They're lavished with profits

They're lavished with praise

They're lavished with tax cuts

We're lavished with malaise

The balance is upset

Lady Justice a whore

Justice to the highest bidder

Not one drop for the poor

The huge Lone Star State

Which once had been great

Once friendly and smiling

Now degenerATE

Lawmakers playing

The corporate fiddle

How they retrieve votes

A mysterious riddle

Joblessness booming

Jobs keep cutting back

Slash benefits and pay

To all those who do lack

Their destructive measures

Are destroying all

Humans and animals

Continue to fall

Who can we turn to

When we're destitute

When old Lady Justice

Is a prostitute?

Copyright � 2011 Cal Jennings

Monday, May 16, 2011

Japan Blows!

According to the Wall Street Journal, two additional nuclear reactors suffered core damage. The explosion did more damage than they informed us.

"Substantial damage to the fuel cores at two additional reactors of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex has taken place, operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Sunday, further complicating the already daunting task of bringing them to a safe shutdown while avoiding the release of high levels of radioactivity."

Whoops! Did we say one nuclear meltdown? We meant three.

Of course, the same Japanese company, Tepco, contracted to build two reactors in Texas. President Obama and secretary had pushed nuclear power aggressively to "reduce global warming."

While I agree that global warming needs to be addressed and that the oil and chemical industries do much to contribute to global warming, I think choosing an extremely dangerous and deadly method of providing energy when there are much safer and effective alternatives borders on insanity.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~ Albert Einstein

If we're going to keep using outrageous amounts of energy and we're going to keep coddling the dangerous industries that cause large numbers of diseases and death, it seems strange that we shouldn't at least support health care... unless the point is to wipe out all life on earth.

Seriously, I don't see any reason why we would contract a company who is already showing design flaws and weaknesses when we already have enough design and construction flaws at the South Texas Project nuclear power plants. Those contracts should be canceled. One thing for sure, when Japan blows, they don't do it halfway.

Copyright � 2011 Cal Jennings

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Coke vs. Pepsi

I know many of you are highly curious as to whether Coke or Pepsi is better. We know that Coca-Cola sold big time in Nazi Germany. Still, they do promote musicians, as does Pepsi. So, is Pepsi better?

Well, we have to remember that Pepsi burned off poor Michael Jackson's hair. They also support those evil gays, which practically makes the Communist, so we have to weigh the gay Commies against the German Nazis. It's a hard decision, really. I don't think Coca-Cola burned anyone up yet, unless you count their support of Hitler burning the Jews, but it's possible they just kept it out of the press.

Such an important moral decision can really put one in turmoil. Which do we choose? How do we make such a decision? Well, for me, the easiest way is to either buy the cheapest or buy a no-name brand. I prefer to buy a no-name brand when I can find one that doesn't taste like crap because it doesn't weigh so heavily on my conscience. It also saves an appreciable amount of money over a period of time. One thing for sure, after contemplating such a moral dilemma, finding yourself covered in sweat, you're going to need something cool to drink. If all else fails, drink *water.

*Warning: Water may be hazardous to your health. It may contain BPA, heavy metals, insecticides, radioactive isotopes, and other toxins. Avoid swimming in water after meals or you may get cramps and may swallow some of the water. Drinking too much water may cause water intoxication leading to electrolyte imbalance and tissue swelling can cause an irregular heartbeat, allow fluid to enter the lungs, and may cause fluttering eyelids. May lead to swelling and pressure on the brain and nerves, which can cause behaviors resembling alcohol intoxication, swelling of brain tissues, seizures, coma or death. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a doctor before drinking water.

Copyright � 2011 Cal Jennings

The Republican Prayer

The Republican Prayer

Our Corporation
Who art listed on Wall Street
Hallowed be thy riches
Slavery come
Thy will be done
To the public as it is in your office
Give us this day
Our daily stock quote
And forgive us our losses
As we punish those whose losses affect us
Lead us not into taxation
But deliver us from responsibility
For thine is the weath and the power
And the glory forever

Copyright � 2011 Cal Jennings

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This 'n' That

WHEW, it is hot outside. Sharon and I just finished digging a couple more rows in the garden. I was examining the bugs we found in the soil. The pill bugs and lady bugs aren't bad, but there are some ants I'd like to get rid of. I'll have to see what's safe to use in a garden.

The kittens were in my garden tub when I woke up. They had been up on the sides killing flies that evidently got in the door and decided my master bath would be a good place to hang out. They slipped into the tub and were having trouble getting out. I filmed them for awhile to see what they would do and they spent more time playing with each other than trying to get out, though they tried a few times. After awhile, they decided they weren't going to stay in there anymore and jumped up out of the tub. Maybe they knew they could get out all along and just liked the feeling of sliding down the edge of the tub. Video coming soon.

Sharon cut up some summer sausage and cheddar cheese to put on some Ritz crackers for lunch. That hit the spot. We're going to eat some watermelon this evening. If my health continues to improve, I might just buy a tent and some poles and go on a camping/fishing trip. Surely there's a fresh water lake where the fish aren't TOO toxic to eat.

My aunt called me for Ron Paul's address so she could mail him a letter about my cousin. He's been disabled for years and they continue to refuse him Social Security Disability. She recently saved my cousin from being foreclosed on by the skin of her teeth, then the homeowner's association tried to foreclose on him because he was a month late on his dues. Homeowner's Associations are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. I'm not sure how much good Ron Paul will do her considering his stance on the "nanny state."

Before my surgery, I probably could have knocked out the whole garden in one day. Today, I feel like I made a huge leap digging two rows instead of just one. I don't know how many days my back will be down from gardening this time, but we shall see. At least I have pain pills for now if it's bad.

Working with Sharon in the garden seems to be having an effect on me. We seem to be relating better. I don't know. Maybe it's just Spring that's doing it. Of course, she still has that charge to deal with, so that could be a painful scenario. Even if she had a change of heart, they could put her away for awhile where she'd be She seems to understand that the choices she made were bad and seems to be trying to improve, but I guess I have my doubts. Trust isn't easy to come by these days. That being said, I could make worse choices, I guess. She has taken pretty good care of me all this time I've been down other than letting her son get by with stealing my meds and she's put up with my mother's rantings of her going to hell if she doesn't straighten up. After living here this long a period of time, at least we know each other's idiosyncrasies, I guess. She may be a little bit redneck, but she's not homophobic and she's not prejudiced. Should I go against my better judgment and give her a chance? Everything will probably change anyway when she moves out. One thing I do know is that celibacy sucks.

We went looking for some more boxes so she can move her stuff out of U-Haul storage. Boxes seem to be a rare commodity these days, though. We were able to snag some small boxes from the corner store, but so far, that was it. I guess we'll have to go into Tomball tomorrow and see if we can find boxes somewhere else.

My mom is out there trying to make a gate for the garden. I tried to tell her how she should make it, but I may as well be arguing with a brick wall. Sharon is out there helping her and she just nodded at me to quit arguing with her. My mom wants to do it and there's no convincing her otherwise without getting her so irate that she has another stroke, so I'll just go video her making it.

Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Is With Us All,


Monday, May 9, 2011

This 'n' That

I spent a lovely day at the Texas DPS office (for the second time) trying to get my license replaced. After hours of listening to the mixed up numbers that they give you (since they don't want anyone to leave during their 3 hour wait), they finally called my name 15 minutes before they closed, took my money, and took my picture. Now I can legally drive again.

I stopped by the corner store on the way home to get some boxes so Sharon can move. She found a house to rent off of FM 1488. She's getting the address now so we can look up the utility companies for her to have her utilities turned on. She should be moving in a couple days.

Mom has forgotten some things since the stroke and she blows litte things out of proportion. I guess that's to be expected after someone has a stroke, but it can be annoying. She's also become controlling, acting like I'm a kid or something. I wanted the keys to go take a couple puffs off of my cigar. She kept telling me no and wouldn't give them to me. Them calling numbers out of order had her griping the whole time. By the time I finally got out of the DPS station, I was about ready to strangle her.

While we were in Conroe, I decided to get a set of strings for each of my guitars. I'm going to see how the Martin extra lights do on the acoustic electric. I seem to have lost some of the strength in my fingers, so these may help if they still give a decent sound.

The kittens are getting bigger and they're a bundle of energy now. When they're not fighting with each other, they're exploring the furniture and seeing how hight they can climb up the bookcases and entertainment center. Every time they jump up on the desk, I take them off, though. Last night one of the kittens jumped on my keyboard and wiped out a whole blog. It made me want to explore ALL the ways to skin a cat! haha

I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep the Space Eagle Productions site up. With all the extra expenses I've had and the rising price of food and utilities, I may have to let it go, as much as I hate to. If so, at least I still have this Multiply site. I just can't set up pages here for different individuals.

I still need to take my new computer in to see if they can do anything with it. I'll have to wait at least until next month because I'm still trying to recover from my wallet being stolen. At least it looks like we'll be able to afford the utilities this month. The light bill is more in line with what's normal than it has been the past several months. I think they were severely screwing us over.

Not much else for now. I'm busy offline, though, so I probably won't be online as much the next few days. I still need to finish digging up the grass to extend the garden. It's been so hot lately, though, that I think it would be dangerous for me with my pacemaker not working properly. I never thought I'd have these problems at 55. I figured they'd hit me in my late 60s or early 70s. Ah well. My grandmother always said the smart ones die early. I guess playing dumb didn't help me much physically.

Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Is With Us All,


Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Asian Girl Plays Three Instruments At Once"

Space Eagle Productions Website Needs Your Help

I received this message from Webs.

Dear Webs User,

According to our records, the following domain name is scheduled to automatically renew in 90 days:

Your Username: Spaceeagleproductions
Domain Name:
Expiration Date: 03-AUG-2011

I don't like to ask, but in these hard economic times, I have to. If you would like to see this site continue, please contribute.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Texas Chili Recipe from tomlet on eBaum's WORLD

The chili recipe has three "drops" where you'll add more ingredients as it's cooking. If you add them all at once or at the wrong times, it'll make the chili bitter or too acidy. For last night, I doubled this recipe.

Brown 2 lbs. of lean ground beef, drain, and add to pot. Add one 14.5 ounce can of beef broth and one 8 ounce can of salt free tomato sauce.

Add 1 habenero pepper to the pot and bring to a boil. It doesn't have to be a large pepper, habenero is insanely hot. After it's cut or cooked, make sure not to handle the pepper with your fingers. It'll burn your fingers or the oils will stick to you and you'll hurt yourself when you touch your face. Pepper spray has nothing on habenero oil.

When pot comes to a boil, add drop one.

Drop One:

1 Tablespoon of onion powder
2 Teaspoons of garlic powder
1 Tablespoon of Chili Powder

Cover the pot and reduce heat to simmer for 1 hour.

Remove the pepper and crush the juice into the pot. I put the pepper in a strainer and crush it with a spoon. Try not to get the flesh of the pepper or the seeds in the pot. But if you get a little in, don't worry about it.

Drop Two:

2-1/2 Tablespoons light (or California) chili powder
2 Teaspoons cumin
1/4 Teaspoon black pepper
1/4 Teaspoon white pepper
1/4 Teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 cube beef boullion
1/2 cube chicken boullion
1/2 Teaspoon brown sugar
1 pk Sazon Goya If you like your chili hotter, adjust the cayenne pepper. A little goes a long way.

I don't use bullion cubes, I use the "Better Than Boullion" paste.


The cubes work fine though. Continue simmering with lid on for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes add the last drop.

Drop 3:

2 Teaspoons Mexene Chili Powder
1 Teaspon cumin
Salt to taste

Mexene chili powder is kind of hard to find here in Nevada. It's much darker and hotter than regular chili powder.


It goes in last because it gets bitter if cooked too long. Cover and continue to simmer for at least 15 minutes and no longer than 30 minutes. It's ready to serve right away, but I like to thicken it up with cornstarch to make it a little less soupy. Mix a tablespoon or two of cornstarch with cool water and stir until it's smooth. Add the mixture to the chili and simmer while stirring for a few minutes.

A Scripture for Easter Sunday

Ephesians 1:18-23 (New International Version, �2011)

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

Betrayal - Poem

Since I have friends experiencing what I've experienced on more than one occasion, I thought I would write a poem to express my feelings in these matters.


She dances a new dance

And I don't know why
She follows a new tune
And that makes me cry
Sometimes I feel like
I just want to die
Things would be simpler that way

Memories of good times
And laughter and cheer
Tackling problems
Without any fear
Suddenly vanish
And won't reappear
I just can't be happy today

I knew it would happen
It's happened before
Love shows sweet promise
Then closes the door
I don't think I will even
Try anymore
Love makes a bitter sorbet

Betrayal is certain
So it seems to be
It's happened throughout
All of history
Cite Jesus, cite Ceasar
Cite Philoctetes
It always happens that way

All I can do now
Is trudge slowly on
From life I will remain
Aptly withdrawn
As I slowly heal from
What love always spawns
And hope things get better someday

Copyright � 2011 Cal Jennings

Friday, April 22, 2011

This 'n' That

First, an update on my mom. She just called from my sister's house. They let her out of the hospital today. They said she had a mild stroke, but nothing else seems to be going on at this time. She's planning on coming back here tomorrow.

Sharon and I took the kittens out to the garden today for their first look outside. I have some video of it converting at the moment so I can edit it and upload it to YouTube.

Things have been tough as far as trying to get my birth certificate and the contents of my stolen wallet replaced. It seems you have to have one form of the ID to replace another form of the ID which is next to impossible when all your ID has been stolen. To make things stranger, the bank sent me a letter saying that the problems were a bank mistake, so the case was dropped. Someone somewhere still has my ID, so that seems to be a little unusual.

No one has served the warrant on Sharon yet for her missing her court date. No one has even attempted to do so. The up side is that at least Sharon has a driver's license and can drive me to the store when I need to go for now.

I've been finding it incredibly difficult to breathe the last several days. I've heard the same from several people, so I assume it's the pollen in the air. I'm sure the extra particulates from the fallout don't help much either.

Whether or not these are the "end times," I sometimes find myself wishing that things would end soon. The lack of humanity in the world is very disturbing. It's all I can do to try to keep a small garden growing and weeded and it's not likely to provide all that I'll need. Between the heat and my physical problems, it's a wonder I can do anything at all.

I haven't had much reason to smile lately. I hope that sooner or later something gives me cause to do so. My face could use the exercise.

Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Is With Us All,


How Politicians Get Your Support

The two videos I'm about to post in this blog give examples of how politicians sway the voters and avoid the real issues. When someone asks a question, one of the most common ways to keep from addressing the issue is to give a reply that never really answers the question and most people won't want to admit that they didn't understand. "Did he say something? I'm not sure. I'd better not question it, though, or I might look stupid or offend someone. After all, the politician talked about progress, the flag, and patriotism and he's a poor man who made it big by his hard work. That stuff sounds real good." These myths have been perpetrated by politicians as long as I can remember. It was sometimes used by my relatives who were politicians, as much as I wish it weren't true.

This video shows another method that has been used in recent years as demonstrated by Lois... playing to people's fears.

We should all be familiar with this brand of politics most often used by the conservative Right, but also sometimes used by the Left. Playing to peoples' fears has become one of the most popular ways to manipulate voters. If politicians tell them that something's being done to protect them from an evil enemy, they'll give up anything, including their rights. They'll get people to vote against policies that would be for your betterment, such as health care, by shouting words and phrases like "death panels," "Communism," and "Socialism." It doesn't matter that people don't know anything about the issue or what Communism and Socialism mean. What matters is they sound scary. There are enough people who remember and believe the propaganda of the Cold War that even the mention of Communism or Socialism scares them. They scare the voters into submission getting them to give up their own bodily fluids, allow themselves to be put under camera surveillance, and allow their phones and cell phones to be tapped without cause, which seem to go against the 4th amendment.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Sure, these things can be used to protect people, but they can also be used, and are used, for other purposes which have nothing to do with protecting people. Why was the government allowed to do these things? Why, "for our own protection," of course.

When people are too scared to question what you do to them, you can get away with anything, and that's just what politicians want. The more they can keep voters scared of people of different religions, people with different skin color, people with different customs, or even people who wear their hair differently or dress differently than what people are accustomed to,

the easier they are to control. These are important things to consider for those who value the Constitution, freedom, and liberty. People should always consider these things before they jump on a bandwagon to fight for what a politician is telling them. Remember, in most cases, politicians are out for their own interests much more than they are for the interests of the voters. They care about getting votes, getting campaign donations, and padding their own pockets. They are often not looking out for the interests of the people who voted them into office. The best thing to do is research the facts and the voting records of the politician before deciding to cast your vote. Get information from as many sources as possible and not just sites that cater to a particular party or ideology. Don't rely on what sounds good and seems popular with the crowd, but consider the effects it will have on your life as well as the lives of others. Yes, it takes some work and you may read some things that you don't like, but it's the way to make better choices for people who will make and interpret the laws.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Texas Governor Rick Perry's Fine Improvements

We is Texuns an we uhpruve Ryan's meszurz. Are gud Govenur, Rick Perry, jus did thuh rite thing an fired a buncha teecherz an cops sos the corpruashunz kuld git thar tax brakes. Mah town alone dun laid off 125 teecherz an about 150 cops. Ah'm so proud! We iz doon are part. We don't need them commie libtard teecherz givin' are kids soshilist booklearnin. We's smart enuf! An who needz cops? Thay jes git in thuh way ov thuh profitz of are meth labs. We need ta git rid ov Soshil Sekurity an Madukare cause them people jes want handouts frum thuh govermint. We gota git rid ov Obamacare an itz deth panuls to.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The time is coming when many Christians reminisce about the story of Jesus being imprisoned, beaten, hung on the cross, and dying. They will be internalizing the pain and suffering that he went through in order to fulfill prophecy and bring us salvation. How many, though, will be remembering his teachings and actions?

Yes, Jesus went through great torture and had a very painful, humiliating death. I know that violence sells, but let's think realistically here. If you were to make a great sacrifice for your fellow man though, would you want people to concentrate on your gruesome death or would you want them to remember how you lived and your efforts to teach them how to make life better for themselves and others? Would you want your friends to continually grieve over your death or would you want them to remember back on the good that you did?

Jesus was hated because he stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and other outcasts of society and healed them... for free. He was hated for standing up to the rich and telling it to them straight, for exposing the hypocritical religious leaders of his day, and for driving out the money changers at the temple.
He had compassion for the prostitutes and adulterers whom the religious wanted to stone to death. Jesus did these things, not only because his Father sent him to do it, but also because it was the right thing to do. He was aware enough to see what really drove man and to understand the depth of suffering that those who were less fortunate went through. Sadly, many don't consider these things during this period. Some also forget that it was his resurrection, in which he defeated death, that we are to remember.

Try to think about what you would like others to remember if you had made a great sacrifice for them and try to look upon your fellow man as Jesus instructed us to do. He asked that we not be greedy, that we treat others as we would like to be treated, not how they treated you, that we have compassion for others rather than jealousy over their possessions and their mates, that we give to the poor, that you heal the sick, that we not discriminate (Gentiles), that we be tolerant of other religions (Samaritans, who were part Jew and part Gentile but had another religion, and Greeks who worshiped many gods, for instance), and that we have love for all mankind as we love ourselves. Remember, he wouldn't even let Peter defend him when the guards came to take him to prison. When you're remembering him, don't you think he would want you to remember those things rather than his painful, humiliating death? Think about it.

Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Is With Us All,



The time is coming when many Christians reminisce about the story of Jesus being imprisoned, beaten, hung on the cross, and dying. They will be internalizing the pain and suffering that he went through in order to fulfill prophecy and bring us salvation. How many, though, will be remembering his teachings and actions?

Yes, Jesus went through great torture and had a very painful, humiliating death. I know that violence sells, but let's think realistically here. If you were to make a great sacrifice for your fellow man though, would you want people to concentrate on your gruesome death or would you want them to remember how you lived and your efforts to teach them how to make life better for themselves and others? Would you want your friends to continually grieve over your death or would you want them to remember back on the good that you did?

Jesus was hated because he stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and other outcasts of society and healed them... for free. He was hated for standing up to the rich and telling it to them straight, for exposing the hypocritical religious leaders of his day, and for driving out the money changers at the temple.
He had compassion for the prostitutes and adulterers whom the religious wanted to stone to death. Jesus did these things, not only because his Father sent him to do it, but also because it was the right thing to do. He was aware enough to see what really drove man and to understand the depth of suffering that those who were less fortunate went through. Sadly, many don't consider these things during this period. Some also forget that it was his resurrection, in which he defeated death, that we are to remember.

Try to think about what you would like others to remember if you had made a great sacrifice for them and try to look upon your fellow man as Jesus instructed us to do. He asked that we not be greedy, that we treat others as we would like to be treated, not how they treated you, that we have compassion for others rather than jealousy over their possessions and their mates, that we give to the poor, that you heal the sick, that we not discriminate (Gentiles), that we be tolerant of other religions (Samaritans, who were part Jew and part Gentile but had another religion, and Greeks who worshiped many gods, for instance), and that we have love for all mankind as we love ourselves. Remember, he wouldn't even let Peter defend him when the guards came to take him to prison. When you're remembering him, don't you think he would want you to remember those things rather than his painful, humiliating death? Think about it.

Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Is With Us All,


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The time is coming when many Christians reminisce about the story of Jesus being imprisoned, beaten, hung on the cross, and dying. They will be internalizing the pain and suffering that he went through in order to fulfill prophecy and bring us salvation. How many, though, will be remembering his teachings and actions?

Yes, Jesus went through great torture and had a very painful, humiliating death. I know that violence sells, but let's think realistically here. If you were to make a great sacrifice for your fellow man though, would you want people to concentrate on your gruesome death or would you want them to remember how you lived and your efforts to teach them how to make life better for themselves and others? Would you want your friends to continually grieve over your death or would you want them to remember back on the good that you did?

Jesus was hated because he stood up for the poor, the downtrodden, and other outcasts of society and healed them... for free. He was hated for standing up to the rich and telling it to them straight, for exposing the hypocritical religious leaders of his day, and for driving out the money changers at the temple.
He had compassion for the prostitutes and adulterers whom the religious wanted to stone to death. Jesus did these things, not only because his Father sent him to do it, but also because it was the right thing to do. He was aware enough to see what really drove man and to understand the depth of suffering that those who were less fortunate went through. Sadly, many don't consider these things during this period. Some also forget that it was his resurrection, in which he defeated death, that we are to remember.

Try to think about what you would like others to remember if you had made a great sacrifice for them and try to look upon your fellow man as Jesus instructed us to do. He asked that we not be greedy, that we treat others as we would like to be treated, not how they treated you, that we have compassion for others rather than jealousy over their possessions and their mates, that we give to the poor, that you heal the sick, that we not discriminate (Gentiles), that we be tolerant of other religions (Samaritans, who were part Jew and part Gentile but had another religion, and Greeks who worshiped many gods, for instance), and that we have love for all mankind as we love ourselves. Remember, he wouldn't even let Peter defend him when the guards came to take him to prison. When you're remembering him, don't you think he would want you to remember those things rather than his painful, humiliating death? Think about it.

Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Is With Us All,


Using science to question the world around you

Video from Ebaum's World

No Surprise

Dennis Kucinich -

No Surprise

When multiple reports came out detailing the level of intervention the United States had in the so-called Arab Spring revolutions, you would think it would come as a shock. It wasn't. It's increasingly clear just how far our country has waded into the affairs of others with a policy of intervention, war, and preemption. The United States has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of any other nation, just as no other nation has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of the United States,

You would also think these reports would spark a wave of outrage across DC and Congress. The United States was financing the political opposition in Syria at the same time that the Administration was pursuing a policy of engagement with the Syrian government! Yet, throughout the halls of Congress, it's virtually a non-issue.

I will not be silent as we wade into the affairs of others without clear principles or credibility. I will not be silent as we spend trillions of dollars on war, while we continue to fail on reforms at home -- job creation, universal health care, and clean energy.

But I need your help to stay in Congress and continue our movement in Washington. Can you donate $20 and help me get the resources we need to overcome redistricting and keep our voice in Congress?

If we don't have integrity in our dealings with other countries, there is no reason for anyone to believe anything the U.S. government will say. Reforms in Syria and other countries may be necessary but must come from within. Outside interference runs the risk of precipitating violence, inviting retaliation and even more violence.

The United States will continue to be on the wrong side of history when it continues to support anti-democratic regimes in the Arab world and support democratic movements only when they further our own interests. It seems our only solution to this self-created debacle is more money for arms and more money for war.

Our destructive and inconsistent foreign policy is contributing to war of all against all, and I will not back down until we change our foreign policy into a driver of peace not war. Please donate and help us continue this mission:

Thanks for all that you do,

Dennis Kucinich

PS - Thank you for helping us reach our important end-of-quarter fundraising goal. We surpassed it -- raising over $100,000. And, if you didn't catch it on TV, I was on the Daily Show last week. You can catch some laughs (and my ventriloquist act) by watching here.

please contribute
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Paid for by the Re-Elect Congressman Kucinich Committee

PO Box 110475 | Cleveland | OH | 44111 | 216-252-9000

The Succubus - Creative Challenge 149

The Rules:

Post anything (i.e. a story, poem, photo or artwork) you have created using the inspiration word below.Please do not use other people's words.

If you wish to use an image that is not your own, please let us know.

Bring the link back here and post it in the comment section.

Your link must be a Multiply link. (At the discretion of the admin. all other links may be deleted.)

Leave your blog open to "everyone" so we can view it.

This week's the word: allure

I was challenged by Tim aka gileson to try the
Pantoum style of poetry (which I did). If any of you are up for a double challenge this week, why don't you try one too?

The pantoum consists of a series of quatrains rhyming ABAB in which the second and fourth lines
of a quatrain recur as the first and third lines in the succeeding quatrain; each quatrain introduces a
new second rhyme as BCBC, CDCD. The first line of the series recurs as the last line of the closing
quatrain, and third line of the poem recurs as the second line of the closing quatrain, rhyming ZAZA.

The design is simple:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

Line 5 (repeat of line 2)
Line 6
Line 7 (repeat of line 4)
Line 8

Continue with as many stanzas as you wish, but the ending stanza then repeats the second and
fourth lines of the previous stanza (as its first and third lines), and also repeats the third line of
the first stanza, as its second line, and the first line of the first stanza as its fourth. So the first
line of the poem is also the last.

Last stanza:

Line 2 of previous stanza
Line 3 of first stanza
Line 4 of previous stanza
Line 1 of first stanza

The Succubus

She came to me that night

Filled with much allure

Feigning a great plight

Seeking a dark cure

Filled with much allure

She wormed into my heart

Seeking a dark cure

She gave me quite a start

She wormed into my heart

Hypnotizing me

She gave me quite a start

Joining astrally

Hypnotizing me

Seductive ecstasy

Joining astrally

Midnight fantasy

Seductive ecstasy

Tied now spir'tually

Midnight fantasy

Deeper than the sea

Tied now spir'tually

We loved for many days

Deeper than the sea

In oh so many ways

We loved for many days

And then we were engaged

Deeper than the sea

I feel it all was staged

And then we were engaged

But soon I was betrayed

I feel it all was staged

A crushing price I paid

But soon I was betrayed

Feigning a great plight

A crushing price I paid

She came to me that night

Click here for more Creative Challenge entries

Copyright � 2011 Cal Jennings