Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Succubus - Creative Challenge 149

The Rules:

Post anything (i.e. a story, poem, photo or artwork) you have created using the inspiration word below.Please do not use other people's words.

If you wish to use an image that is not your own, please let us know.

Bring the link back here and post it in the comment section.

Your link must be a Multiply link. (At the discretion of the admin. all other links may be deleted.)

Leave your blog open to "everyone" so we can view it.

This week's the word: allure

I was challenged by Tim aka gileson to try the
Pantoum style of poetry (which I did). If any of you are up for a double challenge this week, why don't you try one too?

The pantoum consists of a series of quatrains rhyming ABAB in which the second and fourth lines
of a quatrain recur as the first and third lines in the succeeding quatrain; each quatrain introduces a
new second rhyme as BCBC, CDCD. The first line of the series recurs as the last line of the closing
quatrain, and third line of the poem recurs as the second line of the closing quatrain, rhyming ZAZA.

The design is simple:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

Line 5 (repeat of line 2)
Line 6
Line 7 (repeat of line 4)
Line 8

Continue with as many stanzas as you wish, but the ending stanza then repeats the second and
fourth lines of the previous stanza (as its first and third lines), and also repeats the third line of
the first stanza, as its second line, and the first line of the first stanza as its fourth. So the first
line of the poem is also the last.

Last stanza:

Line 2 of previous stanza
Line 3 of first stanza
Line 4 of previous stanza
Line 1 of first stanza

The Succubus

She came to me that night

Filled with much allure

Feigning a great plight

Seeking a dark cure

Filled with much allure

She wormed into my heart

Seeking a dark cure

She gave me quite a start

She wormed into my heart

Hypnotizing me

She gave me quite a start

Joining astrally

Hypnotizing me

Seductive ecstasy

Joining astrally

Midnight fantasy

Seductive ecstasy

Tied now spir'tually

Midnight fantasy

Deeper than the sea

Tied now spir'tually

We loved for many days

Deeper than the sea

In oh so many ways

We loved for many days

And then we were engaged

Deeper than the sea

I feel it all was staged

And then we were engaged

But soon I was betrayed

I feel it all was staged

A crushing price I paid

But soon I was betrayed

Feigning a great plight

A crushing price I paid

She came to me that night

Click here for more Creative Challenge entries

Copyright � 2011 Cal Jennings

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