Friday, April 15, 2011

This 'n' That

Well, today was a long day for me. The detective called and needed more info on my stolen wallet. It seems the wheels of justice turn slowly here in Magnolia, but what do you expect when they laid off about 150 officers recently?

Since my wallet was stolen and had my driver's license, SS card, Medicare card, and pacemaker card in it, my birth certificate being stolen at an earlier date, I'm finding it difficult to replace them. It seems to get a driver's license, you need a SS card. To get a replacement SS card, or even to report it stolen, you need a driver's license. A strange kind of Catch-22.

SustenanceNCovering on YouTube liked my poem, "The Savior," and wants to put some music to it. I did kind of a folk version, but he's doing more of a driving rock version which seems like it may fit the mood better. Here's what he did so far.

Here's what I was doing with it.

I'm curious to see what we'll come up with in the end. I'm going to have to do a lower quality version and see if that fixes the speeding up and slowing down in the video.

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