Wednesday, January 14, 2009

For Jill

It seems there's been another tragedy. The two yound ladies who had made me so happy on New Years were in a bad accident:

From Jessie's Uncle:

i have been in contact with Jessie's landlord and they have told me Jessie and Stacy was in a very serious car accident with a drunk driver , they were at a stoplight and the other driver came through the light and hit them hit on, Jessie is in ICU and Stacy did not survive. im extremely sorry to have to bring this news to you
E holmes road January 10th 2009.
she has a lot of internal injuries as well as others
she was on her way to go get a gf of theirs that had been arguin with her bf , trinitie sent Jess a msg telling her that her and her bf was into it and would she come and get her so trinitie could stay with them awhile at least the night

yes they told me she has injuries to her legs ,pelvic area, her arms , something bout her eyes or eye, and during the impact they say something was lodged into her head on the left side , i dont know what it could be exactly it worries me
if it has jus been told and not true , then it makes me suspect trinities bf cause she called Jess to come and get her so she could stay with Jess and Stac awhile , said trinitie and her bf had been arguing
something is wrong cause they havent contacted us and Jess dont go a day without leavin some message to let me know shes ok , if she can help it

We tried to contact the hospital, but we can't find out if Jessie was there and passed away until business hours today. It's 3am now and we can't find out until 8am.

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