Thursday, January 28, 2010

Be Careful Everyone!

There's a full moon tonight and the psychos are out in force this day. No, I don't mean psychos like me who just run around wearing costumes. I mean the vicious kind. The ones who go around weilding guns, terrorizing people on friends' blogs, and performing all kinds of other mischievous behavior.

I saw an article that says that such things don't happen on a full moon here, but ask any emergency room nurse or street cop and they'll tell you differently.

Today, a friend of mine had an armed person threaten them at work. I, on the other hand, was just attacked by a couple people I had blocked who crawled out of the woodwork.

Of course, it might not be the full moon. It might be that some people couldn't handle President Obama's speech last night, especially since even the Republican response was somewhat favorable to the speech, which probably disappointed FOX News viewers.

As crazy as people seem be this day, I might suggest hanging some garlic

and some wolfsbane.

You might also want to invest in a cross, stake and a gun with some silver bullets. After all, you never know WHAT may be roaming out there.

Copyright © 2010 Cal Jennings

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