Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This 'n' That

Today I finally got my mom to come over to figure out where she wanted me to store what and we got some more done on the house.  I also got someone on Freecycle to come pick up all the old computers and monitors.  I still have to haul more out to the shed, but it's wearing on my back today, so I'll continue tomorrow.

Once we get all the junk out of here, I'll start ripping up the carpet and repairing the floors.  I'll go back with tile instead of carpet so that it's easier to clean if the dogs come in.  I was going to go get some treated plywood today, but my back is too sore to mess with it.  I can't put it in today, anyway.  There's still quite a bit to move.

I'm trying an electronic cigarette to see if that can help me cut back on my smoking and smoking expense.  So far, it's worked pretty well.  I haven't lit up one cigar since I've been smoking this.  It doesn't quite give the same pleasure as smoking a quality cigar and the liquid sometimes gets in your mouth, but it does seem to be an acceptable and less hazardous replacement.

I got to talk to Strawberry for a while on Skype today.  It was good to see her.  Her boy, who has Asperger's syndrome, had to come home from school early today because he was crying.  I'm going to look into Aspurger's syndrome a little more and see if I can understand the treatments.  There is no cure or medication for the disease, but some drugs are used to treat the symptoms.  The treatment is primarily communication and social skills training with cognative behavior therapy.

After watching a few videos on Asperger's and reading some of the well known medical sites on the syndrome, I'm not so sure that I don't have it myself.  My prolific blogging is my attempt to overcome my problems with communications skills.   

Since Blogger doesn't seem to have an import feature for YouTube and doesn't seem to allow the html code, here are a few links:





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