Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The One Campiaign Telephone Conference on Haiti with Congressman Gregory W. Meeks of New York

I just got called to be part of a telephone conference on Haiti with Congressman Gregory W. Meeks of New York by The One Campaign.

He's calling for grants to be made rather than loans. I agree with this and I commend him for not using the forum to push his political agenda.

When the country and means of support has been devastated, seeking to profit off of their misfortune is deplorable. Taking advantage of the severely disadvantaged is immoral by any standards.

Greedy bankers have been seeking to profit by charging interest and fees on money given to Haiti. You can almost see them clutching their dollars as they dream of the profit they're going to make off of the misfortune of others.

Haiti has been severly devastated. People's livelihoods have been destroyed. They are living in misery surrounded by death and destruction.

How someone can justify profiting or advancing by using such death and destruction is beyond me. Tying these people to debt because they suffered is beyond deplorable.

With 5500 people on the conference, I doubt that I'll get to make a statement, but I do have some things to say about it, especially considering that some want to use this tragedy for profit or to push their political agenda. What will it take for people to open their hearts enough to consider the needs of others in situations like these without trying to find some way to profit or to use a tragic situation to advance their career or agenda? That's what I would like to know.

Thankfully, so far, there was only one trying to push some agenda on the call. I've been trying to help get the word out for legitimate organizations who are trying to help and I can tell you now that people who are absorbed in their self-interest are an obstacle.

If you're going to do good, do good for the sake of doing good. Let the good be your reward.

Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Is With Us All,


1 comment:

Space Eagle said...

I was able to speak via the facebook chat at the One site and was able to do some good.