Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Christmas Eve Letter to Jill

Dearest Jill,

I was about to go to drift off to sleep and something came into my mind. I know Zen screwed you up talking about being tuned to the same frequency and BS like that, but if you thought it through, as I thought you would, you would know that the quartz crystals have to be matched in order to be tuned to the same frequency. The closer the match, the stronger the vibration. If the two crystals don't match exactly, they won't resonate properly and be able to create the link between, say, two CB or short wave radios.

When God creates a man and woman for each other, he gives them a special frequency so that they can recognize one another. If you think of the power of God as electrical harmonics, you will realize why we can communicate with God and with one another on such a frequency. For two to be able to resonate at the same frequency, the capacitors have to be matched pairs, as in a David Hafler amplifier, such as the one I possess. I put mine together from the kit and when one of the capacitors blew out, I had to replace both with a matched pair. We are bio-electric in nature, so it's not a wonder that we would have such abilities and matched frequencies for those we were intended. To be fully in tune with God and His will, it takes a matched pair. The matched pair allows for the extremely low distortion, thus purity of sound.

Jill, you are my matched crystal and capacitor. How else can you explain the depth of the resonance between us? Why else would we feel each other so strongly and deeply?

Since I don't know how much you know about electronics, I've kept this on a basic level so that you should be able to understand. I believe that you ARE smart enough to understand it and figure it out, though.



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