Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Pics for Jill

Dearest Jill,

Since you may not be able to get out to see any lights, I thought I would post this here for you so you could see some. I didn't have the date set on it, so it's a day fast. This was on Christmas night.

I got a digital camera for Christmas, so I thought I'd try it out on a walk and get some pictures of the Christmas lights. The camera said that you had to hold very still when taking pictures at night, so I thought I'd see how it did. It looks like I'm going to need a tripod for any night shooting.

Anyway... here I go, starting with my porch:


Next, I went out toward the street and took a picture of the front of my house:

my, house, christmas

Then I started walking down the street:

Neighborhood, Christmas, Decorations
Neighborhood, Christmas, Decorations

As you can see, some of the pictures came out pretty blurry. These were the only ones that came out halfway clear enough to bother showing you. I guess I'll start looking around for a tripod on Freecycle or something.



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