Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Without You

I know I should be happy
With my dreams all coming true
That is, but for the memory
Of what I had with you

I know I should be smiling
But I am feeling blue
Because of the sweet mem'ry
Of what I had with you

I thought it would be easy
To simply just forget
It's been so easy in the past
But this one just won't slip

I feel you oh, so strongly
And wonder how you are
I wonder how we ever let
Things get this so bizzare

How I've longed to see you
And hold you in my arms
To hear your dainty voice again
And see your smile so warm

I wonder how your health is
I wonder where you are
I wonder why I'm feeling you
Although you are so far

And so I sit here weeping
A smile upon my face
And wish you Merry Christmas
Hanging my head in disgrace

For somehow I have let you down
And failed to earn your trust
So all that I have left inside
Is feelings of disgust

Copyright © 2008 Cal Jennings

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